- When choosing diameter of the graphite electrodes for electric furnace, please refer to the current carrying capacity of the graphite electrodes.
- The graphite electrodes must be stored in clean and dry place, avoiding shock and collision. Be sure to dry them before use.
- When the new electrode is connected with the nipple, it is necessary to blow out dust or dirt in the socket with compressed air and then screw the nipple into the electrode carefully. Please do not damage the thread.
- When connect the electrodes and the two electrodes are close in a distance of 20-30 mm, cleaning the surface of electrodes with compressed air. The electrode clampers should not hold between the two security lines of the area of nipple sockets.
- After connecting, the terminal faces of the two electrodes should be tightly contacted.
- When the elevator of the electric arc furnace is hoisting the electrodes, no swing is allowed so as to avoid the electrode joints being loosened and dislocated.
- To prevent the electrodes from breaking in the furnace, please avoid the insulation lumps.
- When charging the furnace, be sure to put the larger lumps on the bottom and the smaller ones on the top.